Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmmmm.... Okay...



No headache, no migraine... Well..ofcourse it's because they're not here..

I wish life could be just like this... No constant migraine everyday...

Goodness gracious me... I never thought I have to go through all these...

Instead of going to some psychic.. I actually found listening to sermons could be a much better option.. I considered them so bohring last time..And now, I'm just craving for them... I desperately want to be encouraged, want to be pushed, and I just want some answers...

Today is not as bad as yesterday.. it's an okay day :) .. good enough!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Only last night denger kotbah ttg stress etc, how we should run to God and stay focus...

But why is it soo hard in practice???

I'm so angry and frustrated ... Living here is like living in hell... Everyday is torture... I've realized my hair got the's thinning.. I'm still freaking 23 and I want to live my life to the fullest.. Not living like this.....I don't want this sh*t..

***, you just slapped yourself.. mencoreng diri sendiri lewat BB...CONGRATULATIONS!!

*** prayed to God so He punishes u sometime because of what you've done... I have no objection on the request... I honestly think you deserve it.. no the ***** deserves some punishment as well..

OH MY GOODDD..whyyy whyyyyyyyyy is it soooo harddddd??

Friday, January 22, 2010

You You You

It's enough...............


Stop it......................

Ok..Gue pernah kesel sama org..tapi ga pernah sampe senaik darah kayak hari ini... I came to a state dimana gue pengen banget nangis..tapi ga bisa..ini di kantor...Yahhh because I couldnt cry..jadi swearing deh...I did anything to let out my quickie anger.

Gue kasar? Maybe... My fault? Yes, it's nobody else's fault, I'm not trying to point finger to anyone... Tapi at this point, gue bener2 bisa ngerti why people turn to alcohol, drugs, paranormal and friends... Gue ngerti banget, but I won't go that far.

Penyakit dalem? Maybee... Maybe kalo ga dikeluarin bisa jadi penyakit dalem... But it's okay...It's okay...

Right now? I really want to have a reallyyyy looonnnggg sleep and a really nice dream... I reallyyy want to sleep..just sleep.

Friday, January 15, 2010


ENOUGHH!!! i've had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IS there any other planet that's habitable? I would like to move there. >: (

God.. this is stressful. Can someone please take over this case ? I'm so stressed >:~(

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The title speaks it all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mark a new beginning

Okay Agnes.. stop pitying yourself, stop whining, stop complaining, stop stop stop stop!

Friends, one thing I realized last night... if we make time for God, everything is under control :)

I know I can't solve "this" problem... I know I'm helpless... I know this is beyond my control...I'm very much aware of my position in this problem... I can either make it worse it make it better.

Agnes, you should promise yourself to make time for God.. to read His loving scriptures aloud and assure yourself that it's perfectly safe to surrender to God. It's a long and winding journey, but you should never give up. Do whatever you have to do as best as you can and God controls the rest. His ways are unfathomable so don't try to rationalize everything. Let Him guide you with his righteous right hand. You're not lost.

Am I sounding like a very religious person? Well, I have been excercising my logic more often than spending quality time with my Creator. Now I have come to a situation where I can only depend on Him a total 100%.

I don't want to be a hypocrite ... So there will be stressful moments which I'm going to post in this blog ... but it doesn't mean I don't trust God .. I am still a humanbeing... People have ways to convey their anger.. and I'm glad I don't have to go as far to Mr Drugs and Friends .. I'm glad this blog is my refuge where I can pour my thoughts and reflect.

Thank God for blogs! and bloggers! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year 2010

The start of the year was full of tears, anger, and hatred...

My birthday this year was probably the mellowest bday ever...

I don't know what I'd become if I let "this" govern me...

I'm trying to think positively...but easier said than done...

No suggestion is good enough because the problem does not lie within me... it's THEM!

Why they dragged me into the mud??

Howeverr... happiness is a decision. So, no matter how hard it is, I have to stay happy ......... rawwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......