Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Life Afterwards

Dear God,

A lot has happened lately..
I sometimes can't digest fully how Your Grace is so sufficient for me.. Almost everyday, I never said Thank You for all You've done for me. I never truly think of what You want me to do while on earth...
Almost everyday, I never quite appreciate things I have, from health to wealth.
I'm not saying I'm wealthy in earthly terms.. but I long to be wealthy in You.
I haven't quite found the right guy..But I know You are preparing the best guy for me somewhere right now.
Your timing is perfect.

I had chilling moments when Giant suddenly hugged me in church, when he planted a kiss on my head in front of everyone..but God..that one son of Yours needs some flirtatious control.

My heart still skips a little bit everytime I hear / see Guy A's name / photo.. God..Would you please help me get over him..by..I don't know..

God..it's now the time for me to say thank you, to appreciate everything You've done for me.
Thank you that beyond my parent's imperfection, beyond my flaws, You still love us very very much.

Thank You God that only by Your guidance and favor I can go through all these..
Thank You God that You are teaching me through my works and my relationship with others...

Thank You God for being my Father...