Friday, October 23, 2009


Here's a ten year old boy named Jak who constantly been a carer for his 42 years old dad Darryn. Darryn has suffered from Motor Neurone Disease and things are getting worse where now he is uncertain how long he's going to live. Six months ago Darryn was still walking although his left arm has infected by the disease. Sadly, the disease has spread into his whole body. Now Darryn is unable to walk and has to sit on a wheel-chair. Even holding a toothbrush feels like holding a brick, he said.

Jak mows the lawn, washes the dishes, does the laundry, bathes his dad, do the groceries shopping, where these are the tasks that most ten years old are avoiding. A neighbour old-lady who have been a witness for years stated that she never heard a single complaint from Jak and finds him extraordinary.

Darryn splits with his wife eight years ago and since then have been living with Jak alone. When Jak goes to school, a carer is sent, however, Darryn relies solely on Jak's help for personal needs. Jak framed a simple note from a boy to his dad saying how he will always love his dad. Darryn still finds it hard to imagine if he doesn't have Jak and how such a boy would do so much for his dad.

Darryn couldn't play basketball and footy with Jak anymore because of the disease. There's no mother, no wife to share the burden with...only his son, Jak.

I found this story so touching when I watched TodayTonight on Channel 7. Extraordinary in deed is Jak. A simple less than 15 minutes presentation on Jak and Darryn have touched my so-often-turns-cold heart. Thank you Jak, you've reminded on what LOVE is all about.

Check out:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walking on 'the' Water has just begun..

You look around
and staring back at you
Another wave of doubt
Will it pull you under
You wonder

What if I'm overtaken
What if I never make it
What if no one's there?
Will you hear my prayer?

When you take that first step
Into the unknown
You know that He
won't let you go

So what are you waiting for?
What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities
Try to hold to you

But You know you're made for more
So don't be afraid to move
Your faith is all
It takes and you
Can walk on the water too

So get out
And let your fear
fall to the ground

No time to waste
don't wait
and don't you turn
around and miss out

Everything you were made for
Gotta be, I know you're not sure
So you play it safe
Try to run away

If you take that first step
Into the unknown
He won't let you go


(Step Out)
Even when it's storming
(Step Out)
Even when you're broken
(Step Out)
Even when your
heart is telling
you, telling you to
give up
(Step Out)
When your hope is stolen
(Step Out)
You can't see where
you're going
You don't have to be afraid

So what are you waiting for?


S.O.S to Mr.God

Abba Bapa..

You're my Creator, my Saviour whose grace is sufficient and who works in mysterious wonderful ways...
My Sole Refuge, whose wonders I can never fathom...
The Head of this house, The Protector...

On Your feet I bow my knee..

In Your arms I shed tears and pain...

In You I surrender...


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Studying Outdoor

Who knew doing thesis outdoor under the bright blue sky, greyish white cotton-like clouds, facing sunkist tree, apple tree, mini grapevine, and a giant white pinkish blooming rose - can be so productive.

My mind feels clearer and oh, not to forget a mix match of all songs in my windows media player.

Thank You, God for the beautiful suburbia atmosphere here in Perth, something I would miss when I'm not here anymore..

Monday, October 5, 2009

Longing for December

Longing for December
Thesis is driving me lazy
Time is ticking in speed

Still holding tight to my dear thesis
But often dream about the near future plans

God please grant me imaginative solutions to my project
I shall do my best in this final year of tertiary edu

About to enter a new life after uni
How exciting it must be

I just need to finish thesis and exam
And I'll be jumping like crazy!

End of Year trip, wait for me!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Female's Dignity

How many friendships, relationships, and marriages crashed due to these complicated beings: FEMALE.

How many people tend to hear just from one side of the story because of pity/attraction to these seducing beings: FEMALE.

Why did Adam leave Eden?

Okay, it's not Eve, just the satan, I know I know.

But how easy was it for satan to lure Eve? We (females) aren't better than the Flintstone's era women nor the mother of all female beings. We claim ourselves to be saved by the Lord, the daughters of the Most High, yet we're hand in hand with satan's soft whispers that swim thru our veins, minds and hearts so damn smoothly easy.

Common girls BAD behavioural problems which allow satan to sneak in and swim freely in OUR soul:
- Telling others the secrets of others for the fun of it. Where has trust gone?
- We pulled out a guy's money in his pocket as cheeky as we can so we benefit the most. Where has our dignity gone?
- We break friendships for the sake of a guy. Oh, come on! that's so high-school.
- We break marriages for the sake of money and lust. Karma will soon follow *sigh.
- We spiced up problems, and make conclusion based on one side of the story. Where has justice gone? Don't get involved to deep with her/his personal issues [ for only GOd knows who's Right and Wrong].
- We talk sweet in public to your normal hang-out friends, yet we gossip about them behind their backs. So are we a friend or what?
- We let 10 guys fall for us, get what we want, and leave them. Trust me, they'll leave us before we leave them.
- We know guys' weaknesses, yet we feed them without thinking consequences. We're not helping here at all.
- We think we're the prettiest and the cutest and the smartest and the friendliest. We should wake up and get our act together!
- We compare and contrast ourselves with other girls of who's prettier, who's more talented and so on. If one is more talented, we judge her for being arrogant in displaying her skills [this is just an example]. We too often judge way too quickly without proofs. Where has love and appreciation gone??

We've got to be able to say NO or YES to where our thoughts are leading us! Learn from now before more friendships, relationships, and marriages are torn apart by US.

Let's have some dignity, girls! Tell the world that we aren't taking the fragility of Eve's soul lured by the satan's whisper!

We are taking Eve's spirit of being reliable helpers and every other positive things we can learn from many aspiring Eve's clan representatives throughout the centuries [ Obvious persona: Queen Esther, Ruth of Boaz, Judge Hilda, Mary of Joseph, Queen Victoria of Prince Albert, Mother Teresa, and other influential women across nations].

We Can Make A Difference and Be Aspiring Women!

: )

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dad and Me

My dad hasn't been a warm figure to me.

He wasn't home when I was on my energetic mood ready to play. Late at night, He came home and found me sleeping. He was too tired to think of a convo with his little girl and I was too scared of approaching this stranger - my Dad.

I grew up with a babysitter's love. Mum has loved me dearly through toys and food, whatever money can buy. Dad has loved me dearly through Mum.

Things got ugly. I learnt to hate, I learnt to take sides. And Dad was always the target of all the scars in the family. Blame me? Selfish me? Well, I didn't know him..Is he even part of the family? Is he just the money provider? What's a Dad? Who is Dad? Is Dad important?

We had an ugly big argument when I was just 16. My mouth deserved a nasty slap, but he never did. Since then, I rarely talked to him, it's like having an enemy under the same roof. I hated it.

I thank God for his grace and forgiveness unto my life. As I grow up I've learnt how to love, I've learnt how to be neutral and put myself in Dad's shoes. And Dad never again the target of all the scars in the family. I thought to myself for years with silence but noise in my heart, "If he couldn't find love in the family, he might as well look for it elsewhere." Right? Right. But I had no guts to make the first move until the days came when he texted, phoned me and said "I love you." But it felt so weird and cheeazzy..

I hesitated to reply and just said "Yeah. Ok. Bye."

I envy daddy's girls... Why I couldn't be like them? Mine seemed so far and so cold.

Then I shared my bitter memories with Dad to the "Strawberries" girls and I thank Christine for her light-bulb enlightening advice - write a letter to Dad and just blurted out your heart. If it weren't because of God's voice through her advice, I would never enjoy beautiful moments I'm having now with Dad. I thank Joan for sharing her 'daddy girls' stories and it helped me put back on hope of a restored healthy daddy-daughter relationship.. I thank Fanny as well for her continuous support..if it weren't because her constant noddings I wouldn't be 100% convinced to write the letter straight away that night and sent it a.s.a.p.

Christine suggested me to crunch my pride, for the experience of daddy's love and the restoration gives much greater satisfaction than keeping my nose high. So I crunched it and I'm experiencing a daddy-daughter relationship that's in its healing process.

First thing Dad said when he saw me 2 weeks ago was "Thank you for the letter." he smiled gently, and I pretended like everything's cool (although I actually had no idea what to reply, what to act and so on) :P.

My Dad feels like a different Dad. He makes silly-sometimes-not-funny jokes with me. He discusses with me stuffs he never discussed before. He supports my thoughts and decisions. I have been bewildered, I still can't believe this is the same person, the same Dad I've been having for 22 years.

I said sorry in the letter...I tried to understand his way of thinking but I never could. And now, as I grow up, I began to understand and I started to appreciate his position in the family, admire his characters and I'm just thankful for his coolness, calmness, jayusness and so on.

The main message of the story is to: crunch your pride when it comes to family, because what you'll gain is so much more valuable than what you're holding.