Saturday, October 3, 2009

Female's Dignity

How many friendships, relationships, and marriages crashed due to these complicated beings: FEMALE.

How many people tend to hear just from one side of the story because of pity/attraction to these seducing beings: FEMALE.

Why did Adam leave Eden?

Okay, it's not Eve, just the satan, I know I know.

But how easy was it for satan to lure Eve? We (females) aren't better than the Flintstone's era women nor the mother of all female beings. We claim ourselves to be saved by the Lord, the daughters of the Most High, yet we're hand in hand with satan's soft whispers that swim thru our veins, minds and hearts so damn smoothly easy.

Common girls BAD behavioural problems which allow satan to sneak in and swim freely in OUR soul:
- Telling others the secrets of others for the fun of it. Where has trust gone?
- We pulled out a guy's money in his pocket as cheeky as we can so we benefit the most. Where has our dignity gone?
- We break friendships for the sake of a guy. Oh, come on! that's so high-school.
- We break marriages for the sake of money and lust. Karma will soon follow *sigh.
- We spiced up problems, and make conclusion based on one side of the story. Where has justice gone? Don't get involved to deep with her/his personal issues [ for only GOd knows who's Right and Wrong].
- We talk sweet in public to your normal hang-out friends, yet we gossip about them behind their backs. So are we a friend or what?
- We let 10 guys fall for us, get what we want, and leave them. Trust me, they'll leave us before we leave them.
- We know guys' weaknesses, yet we feed them without thinking consequences. We're not helping here at all.
- We think we're the prettiest and the cutest and the smartest and the friendliest. We should wake up and get our act together!
- We compare and contrast ourselves with other girls of who's prettier, who's more talented and so on. If one is more talented, we judge her for being arrogant in displaying her skills [this is just an example]. We too often judge way too quickly without proofs. Where has love and appreciation gone??

We've got to be able to say NO or YES to where our thoughts are leading us! Learn from now before more friendships, relationships, and marriages are torn apart by US.

Let's have some dignity, girls! Tell the world that we aren't taking the fragility of Eve's soul lured by the satan's whisper!

We are taking Eve's spirit of being reliable helpers and every other positive things we can learn from many aspiring Eve's clan representatives throughout the centuries [ Obvious persona: Queen Esther, Ruth of Boaz, Judge Hilda, Mary of Joseph, Queen Victoria of Prince Albert, Mother Teresa, and other influential women across nations].

We Can Make A Difference and Be Aspiring Women!

: )

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