Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Man I Adore

While rowing my little boat here on the vast ocean of life,
I think I have been hearing a voice,
Voice that gradually becomes clearer and clearer as I row forward
I think I've been seeing a man in my thoughts as I row this boat alone...

He's the one who has the charm and confidence,
He's the one who has the wisdom and love,
He's the one who has the leadership qualities

I like when he acts cool
I like when he keeps me guessing
I like when he makes me feel I'm the most adorable girl he's ever met

Teasing and laughing are our daily chores
They bring warmth to our lives
Knowing when to give some private space...I respect!

I like when he shares his burden
I like when he listens to my advice
I like when he feels at-home with me in my boat

We do have differences and similarities
Some things are best to be left out at this moment
Negotiation option is always there in the corner

But ain't love about filling in the puzzle?

My boat and his boat equals to a much bigger and stronger boat
And when that happens, I shall be contented
Through trials I shall be strong
Through happiness I shall rejoice

This man I adore is someone who has...
A shoulder for me to lean on,
Hands to hold to,
and a life to share with me

Where is he now,
I don't know
But I can hear his voice
Across the ocean..and he's coming here..


  1. WOO OO OOO AHEM siapa nih ciii ? :p

  2. hahhahahha.. uuuuuuuuu... i smell something here~ =p agnes ga crita2 neh!

  3. ginian aja baru pada tulis komen..pinter2 emanggg euheuheua
