Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I can see the light

Ahh finally thesis over (well..a presentation to go), and exam's done, now i'm officially a part-timer procrastinator.

I won't write here about substantial (new vocab from Kimmy, thanks!) stuffs at these times of the week.. I'll just write about my usual-boring love interest in which I knew that a few of my readers would be so kepo to find out, so I won't state anything in particular which may trigger suspicion. Respect anonymity (or however you should spell that)!

It's so tiresome for me because it's so hard to melt my heart to love. I surely often known as a cold-hearted girl who think like a man (sometimes), so it's as if my heart is made out of steel. To melt it? Surely it'll take some ingenious invention! So a guy who attracts me surely has something to admire :P. He's charming! I always like charming guys. Not necessarily good looking, but his smile is calming. There's something about him when he enters the place. Doesn't necessarily stand out, but you can sense a mysteriousness in him, which makes you feel like you want to know him more and indulge yourself in his art. In short sentence, he is attractive. It's been a while and he's still attractive.

That's all for my love life at the moment.

My dreams somehow have been haunted by scenes of a number of guys whom I felt have syndicated their interest in me (not that I feel myself as an amiable young woman or anything, and I have no clue whatsoever as to why they liked me in the first place). But it's so weird, I certainly feel that I'm in no desperate mood because my first priority is not to have a boyfriend, but to loose weight!

As for the light: I can see the light of liberating myself out from uni world.. ahhhhhhhhh!

Workplace? that's something to think about at the start of next year, not now! Now? Let's have fun! - packing is fun -.

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