Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lose to Gain

A or B?

A = risking B stuff

B = noo.. A is part of my dream :(

A is more like selfish option, but it is quite beneficial for me and I'm sure I'm gonna likin it much. But I'm risking the happiness of some people and there might be no turning back...

If I do turn a blind eye on A, I would start B with a sadness that my dreams in A are shattered... Because I know by choosing B, I have to prepare myself for a tough life-after-uni. It will be a shock for me.

B is an option where the road map is all jumbling apart. It's like solving a riddle that can be very frustrating. Am I ready for this? Everyday I will be daunted with issues and issues and issues, what will I become? Will I be the same Agnes? Will I grow colder and colder? Will I still have compassion? I know I have to see the positive, but it's very hard to see it now...

At the moment, I'm even considering option C.

C = running for myself. Selfish and uncertain conditions ahead.

B is the absolute choice if i want to experience some walking on the water... God, is this the right choice? I'm heavy on this choice, but myself and I want to run away to option A or C ... Am I supposed to follow my selfish dreams or sacrifice them? Lose to Gain?


  1. Risks are always around. Even when you are sleeping. Don't think too much as the options you named have their own risks. Just do what is the best for you. Good luck with your life.
