Tuesday, July 28, 2009

As a person..

As I've noticed of myself along these twenty two years of my life.. I've noticed I have 2 masks which I always wear. 1. serious-cold 2. can go crazy-nuts-go lucky-etc

People who see me wearing the first (1) mask would think I'm an ignorant ungrateful and cold girl, or someone who basically you don't want to know well nor hang out with. Only to those who are close enough to me can see the true (2) mask, which nearly 100% transparent showing everything I have-my personality, my true characters.

You can decide yourself..whether I'm a friend-able person.. honestly honest, these are the key characters of mine:

As a person...

1. I love dreaming and imagining. I like to create my own little world where everything is so light that problems seem to be off my shoulder.
2. I'm generally loyal but hopefully not stupid :P(and am not if something else came up which made me sick / opened my eyes to a better outlook)
3. I have to admit I love romantic stuffs, I love molding beautiful words.. (but just no dodgy helpless romantic poems/try-hard formal proposal which will just turn me off)
4. I love Japanese art of packaging. The content, the wrapping, I just love elegant-neat art of packaging.
5. I'm a thinker. a thinker. a thinker. a thinker. I always think here and there. Seems like everything I think about, it always branches out. Often it drives me nuts.
6. I'm an observer and a helpless reader-mania.. I just love books..I want to buy them ALL !!!
7. I like debate (but there are moments for this..not all the time), and convos which can develop me into a better person.
8. I don't gossip about people often..Only facts and whichever related to me...Just like I don't give details of personal info to many, just to a few whom I gather trust with.

As a person...I have values...

1. I don't like pretending. Pretending a little won't hurt, but if it's more than a little, then me no likey. If I really don't like a person, someone should be able to tell straight away (eg. from my tone.. or from my acts).
2. I'm hard-headed. I may look soft on the outside according to some people, but I tell you deep inside, I'm hard-headed. I would change my view only if I know I would loose in a debate (ie. the other person's points are a lot stronger and more realistic).
3. I tend to deposit 'significant' life experiences which made me what I am today, very very well. Don't forget interest applied. I've buried bad impressions on people, added supporting evidences, and sometimes the grave explodes.
4. I can be sharp as a knife with words if I'm annoyed or someone raises issues which are sensitive to me.
5. I am not a good multitask-er. I'm more of a focus-er.
6. I don't fancy lip-service very much. Pretending to care but not actually care. If I care, I mean it..the word 'love' isn't a word I would say everyday unless I really mean it.
7. I tend to teach people whom I care about (eg. my sis and my bro) : rationalism. liberty. manners (yet it's a cliche my mother always complains about my manners..but this is another story for another time)

8. No matter how bad I might sound to myself or to you... I still believe in Higher Power.. I still believe in God.. I'm just a girl with so many questions to ask..I'm just a girl who wanted to be accepted as I am...I'm just a girl who is breathing love, but still actually suffocating from hatred and painful memories... I hope God isn't bored with my stories because I truly need His guidance.

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