Tuesday, October 19, 2010

星期 二


Yesterday night after blogging I chit chatted with my IA Sisterhood buddies. I soooo miss them badly :'| . We had such a good time! Surprisingly three of us got drunk during weekend..lol..one got drunk in Brunei, one in Perth, and one in Beijing.. I'm loving such bond! After chatting with them, I went to sleep smiling ..it was such a heart warming midnight chat :).

我觉得今天过了很慢。。 。

My schedule for today was:
8am 我迟到了!我 8点10分 才到了教师。。。Oops
5pm 下课。
5-7点 复习生词。
7-7点半 准备准备
8 点 出去三里屯根朋友们见面。
8 点半 在Let's Burger 吃了晚餐。 我点Salmon Salad .. around 58元。跟朋友们一起走走。。。在街上逛逛。。。
10.30ish went home and practice again for 2morrow's 听写。

The highlight of today was:
TAXI: 2nd compliment from a taxi driver saying we're beautiful girls..awwwww
WEATHER : COLD..but thank goodness it wasn't raining ..pheww..
AT CLASS: 没想到, 今天的口语课很有意思。I actually quite enjoyed the class and got a lot out of it.
Eeks.. Thursday is 口语的考试day.. Not looking forward for it..(>.<)

curhat about our 班的同学 attitude and behavior towards learning Mandarin.. She wondered why they all fell asleep. 谁有问题?老师还是学生? Seriously I reckon' it's not the teachers' fault. Me too have no idea why they all asleep in class.. Hmm, don't know..but, I kind of know how it feels to be up there in front of the class giving presentation and none seem to care. Back in Aussie, we all listened and at least acted like we're interested when lecturers/tutors are giving presentations...Appreciation is well-honored. So I told her it's not about her but it's the students. 对汉语,他们可能没有兴趣. I ? I already know how important it is to learn the language..perhaps they're still so young and it wasn't their choice learning the language. OH well, she told me how she feels sad and having bad mood every time she teaches us because most of us are being quite rude (by sleeping in class). .. Poor Zhang Laoshi.. She trully is a great teacher :).

我们从昨天晚上开了空调。I set it to 30deg Celcius.. coz it was really cold yesterday.. However the kongtiao smelled like burnt metal as I previously mentioned.. We didn't switch it off because it's just too niceeee..I wonder how much it ate the electricity voucher :P

Anyway it's 12:15AM right now.. eeekz.. I shall not be late 2morrow!! Already got a warning!!

Ouh..and today, another person from UIBE 讲解about taking MBA in UIBE.. only for a year! I'm deeply attracted!! Droooollllsssss..that MBA title is really tempting! Hihihihi..

Anyway, good night blog..2morrow have to wake up early..Might be another interesting day 2morrow.. 3-5pm is Wushu Show.. can't wait!



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