Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm scared I might melt...

Hello Blog,

It’s now counting 2 weeks before my departure from the office I’m working at now…

It’s kind of sad…I felt bad for my boss and his assistant. They’d like me to stay, but I insisted to go.

Well, as much as I like working here..I need to move on.

But seriously, they’re great people with wonderful personalities, they’ll succeed, I’m sure.

As for yesterday, I went to church with a couple of my band mates and my mum and sis.

Saw Giant, he’s in charge again with the whole Service thing, making sure everything went smooth and all that.

After Service, my mates introduced me to their friends (who played as part of the Service’s band). Not long after, Giant approached me while I was about to leave my mates and go see my mum and sis outside. He touched my neck again and it’s ticklish. I was like “Hey! Ticklish!” and he smiled widely. And guess mum and sis saw it.

Mum and Sis were at the back of the hall. Mum said Giant had been noticing me while I was in the front for quite some time before he finally approached me.

Also,while me mum and sis and mates and mum’s friend were at the church lobby making this closed circle thing (you know what I meant right? Talking circling each other), he’d dropped a quick glance once in a while. While he's passing our circle, he poked my left hips (-__-) . My mum and sis kinda saw it but they thought he just moved his arm to bump my back (I’m not sure how to explain it in English haha, but I hope you get me). Oh my goodness, he’s like showing to my mum and sis that he exists, that a friend of mine and I don’t know..He surely has a high dose of confidence.

What more, my mum ofcourse likes him instantly! She said “He’s so good looking!! He’s so much better in real life than on TV!!” And you know my mum..she said she’ll pray me and him are going to be together. Just because he’s so good looking. Doh. Hahaha. (-___-“)

He texted me yesterday evening and texted me again this morning, and I do enjoy him teasing me and getting flirty and all that, I’m seriously scared I might fall..I’m scared I might melt!

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